Cats. The writer's life. And anything that inspires me, including myths and legends, life lessons, travel, and coffee. Enjoy!

PLEASE NOTE: Tamara cannot answer any medical questions about any pets or animals. This is not only due to legal reasons (since she might not be licensed in the location where you live) and time limitations, but also for very practical reasons: Since Tamara can't see, diagnose, or treat your pet over the internet, the best possible care for your four-legged friend is through seeing a veterinarian near you. All written, spoken, or otherwise conveyed information is for general information and/or entertainment purposes only and is not to be taken as medical advice for people or for pets. By reading or otherwise consuming any information from the author, you accept these terms.

Amazing Animals

Meet Little Girl: The wild child

Meet Little Girl: The wild child
Oct 18, 2019 by Tamara Spell
You've met the other four cats. Now, meet Little Girl, the aloof and unpredictable feline who inspired the character of Pixie the Wondercat.

Meet June: The friendly guy who never learned to “speak cat”

Meet June: The friendly guy who never learned to “speak cat”
Sep 03, 2019 by Tamara Spell
June is super friendly and tries his best to make friends with his fellow felines, even though he doesn't always seem to understand their cat signals. And, he's the inspiration for Gus, the Wondercat who loves mythology and sunshine spots — and of course, breakfast!

Meet Cowboy: Little cat, big attitude… and the best friend a person could ask for

Meet Cowboy: Little cat, big attitude… and the best friend a person could ask for
Aug 07, 2019 by Tamara Spell
Cowboy is, in fact, a female. As the only senior cat in the group, she's grumpy and doesn't like to share her space. But she's got a heart of gold and is totally loyal to her person.

Meet Luna: Unconditional love wrapped up in a bundle of fluff

Meet Luna: Unconditional love wrapped up in a bundle of fluff
Jul 09, 2019 by Tamara Spell
Next in the Wondercats bunch is Luna, the inspiration for the character Snowball. Luna's superpower is unconditional love, which disarms even the toughest of opponents, and can warm your heart on even the most difficult of days.

Meet Holly: The real-life hero cat that inspired Hazel

Meet Holly: The real-life hero cat that inspired Hazel
Jul 01, 2019 by Tamara Spell
Holly was a hero even without superpowers. Here's the story of how we found each other overseas... and how she saved the life of a young kitten.

Holly and Luna's Big Adventure (as told by Holly)

Holly and Luna's Big Adventure (as told by Holly)
Jan 04, 2017 by Tamara Spell
Traveling with pets can be challenging for both the humans and the animals involved, but I'm glad I was able to bring my two cats home from the Middle East, and have them in the cabin with me the whole trip. Here's Holly's story of her big travel adventure...

The Animals of Langkawi

The Animals of Langkawi
Jul 08, 2016 by Tamara Spell
Langkawi, Malaysia is a beautiful place to visit, with tropical beaches, green mountains, and one of the longest cable car rides in the world. But the real highlight for me was the wildlife. Here's a tip for when you travel there: Skip the more expensive rooms over the water, and instead opt for a rainforest chalet, where you can watch monkeys, flying lemurs, and other animals from your balcony.

The Elephants of Pinnawala

The Elephants of Pinnawala
Jul 01, 2016 by Tamara Spell
In Pinnawala, Sri Lanka, there is a rescue facility for injured and orphaned elephants.  You can visit the orphanage, but you can also hang out by the river to see them when they walk here for their daily bath.