Cats. The writer's life. And anything that inspires me, including myths and legends, life lessons, travel, and coffee. Enjoy!

PLEASE NOTE: Tamara cannot answer any medical questions about any pets or animals. This is not only due to legal reasons (since she might not be licensed in the location where you live) and time limitations, but also for very practical reasons: Since Tamara can't see, diagnose, or treat your pet over the internet, the best possible care for your four-legged friend is through seeing a veterinarian near you. All written, spoken, or otherwise conveyed information is for general information and/or entertainment purposes only and is not to be taken as medical advice for people or for pets. By reading or otherwise consuming any information from the author, you accept these terms.

Tales from the Road

Legends of DIA part 3: Underground tunnels and secret societies

Legends of DIA part 3: Underground tunnels and secret societies
Jun 30, 2019 by Tamara Spell
The odd stories and conspiracy theories of Denver International Airport don't end with just a demon horse and watchful gargoyles... In fact, there's a whole network of underground tunnels, a mysterious plaque linked to the Freemasons, and rumors of lizard people.

Notre Denver: The good-luck gargoyles of DIA

Notre Denver: The good-luck gargoyles of DIA
Oct 11, 2018 by Tamara Spell

A shout out to the twin gargoyles who watch over and protect travelers from lost luggage.

Why I return to the same places I've traveled to before

Why I return to the same places I've traveled to before
Jul 27, 2018 by Tamara Spell
When it comes to traveling, it's tempting to try to cram in as many sites and destinations as possible into our limited vacation time. But I would argue that there's a lot to be discovered by returning to a place you've been to before, traveling slower and soaking up the vibe and daily life of your chosen destination, and experiencing more than you did the first time around.

Legends of DIA Part 1: Blucifer

Legends of DIA Part 1: Blucifer
Jul 05, 2018 by Tamara Spell
Airport travel usually isn't very interesting- just bustling through crowds and trying to find a quiet spot among thousands of people. However, the Denver International Airport is a fascinating place if you stop to take a look around or research some of its many conspiracy theories. As a writer, I find this incredibly interesting, and I'm going to share some of the stories here. I'll start with the most well-known of all: Blucifer, the Blue Mustang.

Vegetarian Restaurants

Feb 10, 2017 by Tamara Spell
Cooking class in Hoi An, Vietnam
I understand that, for many parts of the world, a vegetarian diet just isn’t the norm, and I don’t expect them to change that just because tourists and expats come there. However, when I did find some restaurants that offered a variety of good vegetarian dishes, I really appreciated it. It made it much easier for me during my travels, and I tried some really delicious foods! Here's my list of places I'd recommend...

Monsters on Display in Cebu

Monsters on Display in Cebu
Jan 23, 2017 by Tamara Spell
The monster collection at the Cebu Airport in the Philippines includes: Kapre, Tikbalang, Duwende, and, last but not least, Manananggal.

Why don't we have this much fun at US airports?


Holly and Luna's Big Adventure (as told by Holly)

Holly and Luna's Big Adventure (as told by Holly)
Jan 04, 2017 by Tamara Spell
Traveling with pets can be challenging for both the humans and the animals involved, but I'm glad I was able to bring my two cats home from the Middle East, and have them in the cabin with me the whole trip. Here's Holly's story of her big travel adventure...

The Animals of Langkawi

The Animals of Langkawi
Jul 08, 2016 by Tamara Spell
Langkawi, Malaysia is a beautiful place to visit, with tropical beaches, green mountains, and one of the longest cable car rides in the world. But the real highlight for me was the wildlife. Here's a tip for when you travel there: Skip the more expensive rooms over the water, and instead opt for a rainforest chalet, where you can watch monkeys, flying lemurs, and other animals from your balcony.

The Elephants of Pinnawala

The Elephants of Pinnawala
Jul 01, 2016 by Tamara Spell
In Pinnawala, Sri Lanka, there is a rescue facility for injured and orphaned elephants.  You can visit the orphanage, but you can also hang out by the river to see them when they walk here for their daily bath.


Funny Signs

Funny Signs
Jun 23, 2016 by Tamara Spell
It's good to keep a sense of humor while traveling. These are some of the funniest signs I've run into so far. My favorite right now: "No vomiting in the Skydome"

3D Art in Langkawi

May 06, 2016 by Tamara Spell
3D art museum Langkawi- escaping from a hungry hippo
There are plenty of beautiful things to see in Langkawi, but be sure not to skip the 3D art museum. It's a ton of fun!


More than Just a Blessing

May 05, 2016 by Tamara Spell
About to receive a Buddhist blessing in Sri Lanka. It was one of those travel experiences that makes you think about life more deeply.Travel is about connecting with people and expanding your own mindset, even more than it is about seeing beautiful or interesting places. I was fortunate to have such an experience in Sri Lanka, when I helped with an English class at a local temple. They said I was helpful... but I felt like I was the one who received a gift.